Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Review: Vibram Five Finger Shoes

A few months ago I posted about barefoot running shoes asking you if you thought it was a do or a don't. Well, over the weekend I took the plunge and bought my very own pair of Vibram Five Finger Shoes.

The verdict is in: they are amazing! I am on my feet a lot teaching Pilates, sometimes for up to 10 hours a day, so how my feet feel is very important to me. Over the past 4 days I have been wearing my Vibrams all day for teaching, walking Zoey, and errands. My feet have never felt better. After the first day I did feel a bit sore in the shin and calf area but it was a good sore. I felt like my legs were actually working in the way they were meant to. I did get some funny looks on the street and was also approached at the supermarket by a man asking me about them with a bit of a puzzled look on his face. It's definitely a great conversation starter :).

Today I will be running in them for the first time and I could not be more excited. I will have to update you on that experience. In my books, Vibram Five Finger shoes are a definite DO (and their appearance is slowly growing on me :).

P.S. Michael also bought a pair of Vibrams and has since instated the rule that if he's wearing them, I am not allowed to wear them. Ha!

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